If you have thick hair you’ll know all too well of the problems it can cause. You probably find that you are regularly told ‘you’re so lucky,’ as people fuss over your thick locks, but you know just how high maintenance thick hair can be.

Over the years it’s likely that you’ve worked out various ways to deal with your unruly hair, but there might be a few tricks that you could be missing. Read on to discover the full guide to managing thick hair…


Brushing can be a problem for anyone with very thick hair. If you have a lot of hair you probably find that it gets knotty very easily, but dragging a brush through the knots can be damaging to the hair, causing split ends and breakage, which can result in it being even more difficult to manage.

When it comes to brushing manage your thick and knotty hair by using a Tangle Tease. Start at the top and work your way down to remove knots without damaging your hair. Try to avoid brushing your hair too much when it is wet, as the hair is weaker when wet meaning more damage can occur through brushing.


Very thick hair may need thinning out to make it more manageable. Aim to have your hair cut every 6-12 weeks and ask to have it thinned a little to help with everyday maintenance and styling. If your hair is very curly, you might want to consider having it relaxed too, as this can help make it more manageable.


If your hair is thick and long it’s likely that you end up going through conditioner twice as fast as you go through shampoo. Thick hair is often more wiry and brittle, meaning it needs a softening and smoothing conditioner, and lots of it. They key to conditioning is to ensure the product that you choose is of high quality and designed specifically to tame thick hair. It’s worth investing a little more on a conditioner that will smooth, detangle and nourish. When you use a high quality conditioner you’ll also find you need to use less, making your product go that little bit further.


Thick hair seems to get thirsty faster, so provide your hair with all the nourishment and hydration it needs with a weekly treatment. Every once in a while, splash out on a professional treatment when you’re at the hairdressers to keep your locks in tip top condition.

If you’re got thick hair you might have to put a little more energy into caring for it, but consider yourself lucky, as many people around the world pay a lot of money to fake thick hair.